School Bus Routing

School Bus Routing Services

Voyageur Bus Company covers and/or manages all or part of the daily student transportation routes for a number of different school systems in the Twin Ports region. During the 2020-2021 Covid-disrupted school year we are transporting students from the Duluth ISD #709 school district, the School District of Superior, the Duluth Edison Charter Schools (DECS), North Shore Community School and the Two Harbors school district.

The range of services we provide, and the level of responsibility for managing those services, varies from one school system to another. In some systems we manage all aspects of routing and scheduling as well as actually servicing the routes, while in others we simply cover the routes but do not have management responsibility or authority over the routes themselves. In addition, the contact person here at Voyageur who is responsible for the various school systems varies from one system to another.

You should find links here on the right to individual pages (with contact forms) for each of the school customers we serve, and there you will find more detailed information about our service.