An Epic Start to Winter

An Epic Start to Winter

An Epic Start to Winter 150 150 Mark

The guy (or gal) who writes the “Forecast Discussion” for the National Weather Service in Duluth – a normally highly-technical description of current and upcoming weather phenomenon, along with an explanation for the rationale of the current forecast – yesterday used the term “epic” to describe the snowfall over the past three days. I don’t know how much we got here at Voyageur, but it had to be in the neighborhood of two feet. And I think we are pretty much on the low end of snowfall totals for the region.

The result has been three consecutive days of closed schools. It’s relatively quiet around here lately. But lots of digging out yet to do.

We’ve started December right where we left off in April. All this snow, and a good 5 months of it yet to come. Winter has come.


Started driving bus in Greeley, CO in 1981 and have been in the school transportation field more or less continuously ever since.

All stories by : Mark