Privacy Policy In The Works

Privacy Policy In The Works

Privacy Policy In The Works 150 150 Mark

It was brought to my attention recently that our web site lacked a privacy policy, or terms of service, of any kind. As the web guy, I recognize that to be a significant problem, particularly since we are using the site to provide contact forms which give us a sender’s e-mail address, and a pre-employment application form, which collects a variety of personal information from applicants.

If  you do one of these things – apply for a job or just send us an e-mail – or participate in any other form of interaction on this web site as time goes on, you need to be assured that we are treating your personal information with respect and a serious concern for your privacy.

To that end I will be working on drafting a formal policy to be included in links on this site, based on various templates I have discovered. I don’t know how long that will take, and I have discovered that some other site matters need to be addressed first.

For now, let me just state informally that we DO treat your information with respect. It will never leave our hands for any reason, never be sold, and we will not use your contact information for any purpose other than that for which you intended it. We don’t build a contact database with your information, and will never contact you except in regard to your specific request – whether that be for information about a service we provide or to apply for work here at Voyageur.

While our site does place cookies on your computer and we do track some information (specifically via Google Analytics) it is strictly for analysis of our site and to improve our service.

Hoping that works for now, until something more formal is put in place.


Started driving bus in Greeley, CO in 1981 and have been in the school transportation field more or less continuously ever since.

All stories by : Mark